I don't know. To me, army seemed to me like just another phase of life that is easier done than said. Yes, the exercises were tough and I truly hated some of the work I did. Yes, there were times where others severely out shined me and I felt like I was out of my depth. But all things considered, it really, wasn't as hard as I thought it out to be. Thank God for MINDEF, and thank god, for the countless comrades, family members, and superiors that not only made it easier, but contributed to the many memories that I would be sure to carry to my deathbed.
Now I know that this may not be my usual post, but, just bear with my femininity for a while okay?
If there was one thing that BMT truly taught me, would be how slow I am in adapting to new social environments. Week after week, I tried my best but all I really was was being rather awkward. Being overshadowed by those stronger than me (something so superficial) was something I would later learn to mock and blame my substandard Platoon Commander for (not shown in picture; typical). Despite this, I would never lament the school's decision to make me a weapon men. This was all possible thanks to my BMT mates and for that, I thank them.
Thank you AWMP course, that allowed me to make my third appearance on national TV.
And thank you, Sergeant Major, especially, for being as passionate as you are. For trading me into your company which literally saved my whole NS life. And for recognizing my efforts for the company.
Thank you weapon men, for accepting me into your awesome brotherhood. You guys are the reason that I will never regret being a weapon men. The reason why I believe coming to 1st company was the definite better choice. The biggest fraternity in the company, the weakest hierarchy of sai kang warriors but definitely; a respected vocation in the company.
Special thanks to Jin Kiat, really; for joining the armskote. At the start of training, I wasn't close to the weapon men at all. Neither were you close to Ian and the 2nd company armskote men. I saw no reason why you would want to join the armskote of all the other SMARTAL choices. Yet, you did, and you definitely contributed a hell lot. God knows what I would have done if you hadn't joined and I wouldn't dare imagine it either. Thanks.
Remember leaving the armskote only when the coy has slept? Waking up before the coy woke?
Working while everyone else were resting after 35km? Falling asleep in the armskote, still dirty? Packing weapons into ops boxes till the coy woke for the next day's breakfast? Thanks for the memories.
Honorable mention to boonkiat and eeron for the friendship.
Boonkiat: Genuine, altruistic, dedicated. I think it's really hard to be able to find someone like boonkiat who's so pure and hard working at the same time.You truly opened my eyes to what people are capable of and even though my conversations with you rarely last beyond two words (or three, if your name is disjointed), I treasure the companionship you have spent with me. Teaching me, to try and be a better soldier, son, and HOPEFULLY BETTER BOYFRIEND OH GOD PLEASE GOD.
Eeron: Same same, but different. I feel that you and I have lots of things in common, like our pretentiousness among people. Our desire to be liked by peers. Yet we couldn't have a more different way of decisions. Remember Hari raya? or Bintan. I developed a hatred for useless people, while you stayed nice to everyone, occasionally. And if theres one thing I wouldn't forget was when you invited me onto the thailand trip despite me not being in the chat. Thanks
Last but not least, no dedication post could be made without the addition of the friends and family that were there long before any of this happened.
My father, who offers to drive me to camp, whether I ask him to or not, regardless of the time, nor whether he has work the next day.
My mother, who washes my clothes for me during the weekends because I'm too much of a useless cunt to do my own laundry.
And the Swiss Cottage gang, that went with me to Taiwan before all this started. Supporting each other, showing off about the shit we do for the country. Yes, that is me, still wishing for a girlfriend on the sky lantern.
Damn that was corny. Hope to see you guys before I embark onto Tasmania. Bye.