Thursday, August 27, 2015

Once in a blue moon WTF thought of the day

If injustice represents a lack of justice. Incomplete; a lack of completion. And inability; the lack of ability.

Is ingenious therefore, a lack of "genius-ness"? Or is "genious" derived from another word of which I do not know exist?  The latter seem more likely to be true given my INcapacity for words. But lets humor me and assume the former for a moment.


  1. (of a person) clever, original, and inventive.

Perhaps the most original, most inventive, most... ... creative people, are the very ones we deem to be the least intelligent. The quiet loner, the awkward child, the abnormal person, the disabled. What if the greatest advances begins with us understanding how to communicate with ourselves? For us to hear the thoughts of everyone indiscriminately. 

After all, IN-telligence could also represent a lack of ... ... something. 


1 comment:

Jeter said...

Nice blog. Keep 'em posts coming!